Blogging is public and psychotherapy is private. Sharing my knowledge with you is a challenge.
My professional learning is grounded in theory based on books, lectures, seminars and certificate programs. But my deep knowing and empath comes from my intimate meetings with courageous and determined people who have given me their trust. The work takes place in what I consider sacred space.
Psychotherapy and eating disorder recovery work take many forms. In this extensive grouping you'll find articles, links and discussions that include stories of individuals working through their healing process and descriptions of different treatment approaches. Issues include trust, bingeing, starving, sexuality, fear, anxiety, triumphs, abuse, shame, dream work, journal keeping and more. Discussions regarding insurance and finances are here as well. Reading these articles and participating in discussions will give you deep and varied windows into eating disorder recovery treatment.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Regardless of your age or situation, within you is your knowledge of joy. You can have it again.
Welcome to your new beginning on your path to joy. Searching for and finding your path is a task we face periodically throughout our lives. Growth and development never stops. The experience of loss and completion never stops. The need to feel alive and meaningful never stops.
Read and follow these steps, and you will find yourself on your path to joy.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Bear the conflict. Eventually, if you follow step 1 and step 2 you will feel uncomfortable. You will feel afraid or mad or so angry and depressed you want to blame something or someone or many people or conditions for your emotional pain.
You can get through this stage without understanding, relying on a devil may care act of desperation. But that often does not work. If you try to break the conflict in yourself through dangerous activities you are not trying to die, although you may. You are trying to stop the pain by taking extreme distracting action.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
- Friends Change as You Heal in Eating Disorder Recovery
- Action for Your Authentic Life in Six Steps (Step Three May Be the Most Difficult) - Step Six
- Good Goals or Binge Eating Triggers? Importance of a Clarity Check
- More and better friendships create a more healthy and joyous life
- What’s Soul Got to Do with Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Recovery?
- Action for Your Authentic Life in Six Steps (Step Three May Be the Most Difficult) - Step Five
- Eating Disorder and Family Thanksgiving Dinner: Coping Strategies
- Eating Disorder Recovery Wisdom from Green Peace
- Eating Disorders and Coping with Feelings after New Years
- Healing Power of Psychotherapy Rests in Harmony