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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

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Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida, Oregon and Utah.
All appointments are virtual.


Hi Laura,

Sounds like you lose your sense of authority based on your identity.  Sounds like you think or feel that when you hear a voice you must obey it.  That would be exhausting!

What about your taking the position of President, i.e. head of the executive branch of your inner constellations?

You listen. You give each a turn and consider the merits of each as well as the practicalities involved.

I want to go into my biology studies right now. It's 5:00 p.m.  I want to take the dogs on a long walk right now. I want to spend time with a friend right now. I want to check in with my family right now. I want a cup of coffee to warm a chill I feel.

My body is tired after a joyous fun filled 24 hours with young children who spent the night here.

I know I may see a patient for a special session later tonight. 

This is not the time to start a new intellectual phase that requires passion nor is it the time
to stride around my neighborhood with two dogs. My mind is a bit foggy. It's not the time for socializing. I don't need caffeine, or even a cup of decaf. 

I used up a lot of energy.  Now I need to replenish.  Rest, get warm, let these desires go into low key. I can do these activities tomorrow.  If I get the rest I need, I'll do them better and have more fun with them tomorrow.

Time to stretch out with my book and maybe fall asleep after a few pages.

P.S.  An important part of living this way is to keep up, as much as possible, with routine tasks so you don't get overwhelmed with tasks and guilt.  E.G. Laundry done. Beds made. Bills up to date. Clutter not accumulating. Environment clean and orderly.  

If I perk up I'll take the dogs to the park around 8:15.  If not, we'll have a little fetch in the driveway.  

See what I mean?  I make the decisions about what voices I respond to and how and when and how much.  I'm the President, and so are you!  :)

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