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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida, Oregon and Utah.
All appointments are virtual.


I'm getting many letters from people who have read or are reading my book, Healing Your Hungry Heart: recovering from your eating disorder.  I'm glad to learn that Healing Your Hungry Heart is generating enthusiasm.  However, I'm concerned when I hear someone say that they couldn't put it down.

Healing Your Hungry Heart, like life, is not something to get through quickly. It's here for you to both digest and work through. The more slow and methodical your pace the faster and deeper youre healing results. And....you can go through the process from front to back many times, each time having a different and deeper healing experience.

It's understandable that after years of suffering with an eating disorder you would like to find something that will help you quickly.  An eating disorder offers you a quick fix in the moment.  But recovery requires you to go into low gear so you can negotiate the highs and lows.

If you begin HHH at the beginning and read carefully, and if you linger with the exercises for a week or more before moving to the next chapter you will begin to get some stability and healing.

Healing Your Hungry Heart is designed to be a long time recovery companion.  You can read the chapters and do the exercises many time.  The words on the page will not have changed, but you will have changed. 

Each time you go through HHH you will have a different and deeper healing experience. That's as it should be in eating disorder recovery.  Every tiny bit of progress you make has an effect on your entire system of feeling, perceiving, thinking and understanding.  Your new and changing responses to situations, including healing exercises, will bring you new awareness, new strength and more recovery.

How are you using the exercises? Do you have a favorite? Is there an exercise you resist trying? Have you found your favorite so far in the chapters or in the Appendix?

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