Will you keep waiting for tomorrow to begin your recovery? Tomorrow never comes.
Procrastination is a powerful part of living with an eating disorder. You postpone taking recovery action. When you put positive activities off you are saying that you'll create a new life for yourself in the future. You plan in your mind, as if you can have two lives, this one and the one you'll create when you finish procrastinating.
You may never finish procrastinating. The danger is that you may procrastinate ending of procrastination.
You always have today. End your procrastination. Make your call. Start your psychotherapy. Get on your healing path now in the one life you have.
"We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one." - Confucius
For information about Joanna Poppink's private psychotherapy practice click the below link or e-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Psychotherapy with Joanna
Joanna offers a free 15 minute telelphone consultation. Find out what you can do now to heal and develop beyond your present condition. (310) 474-4165.
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