- Welcome -

If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida and Oregon.
All appointments are virtual.


"Love is the subtlest force in the world." - Mahatma Gandhiabout 8 hours ago from web

Book writing reminder from C. S. Lewis: "people want to hear the stories, whereas I never heard of anyone who wanted to read the essays." :)2:26 PM Oct 20th from web

Childhood abuse and neglect may be linked to adult obesity https://tinyurl.com/ylmnyaa11:05 AM Oct 20th from web

A discovered sentence in my book writing notes. "To replace shame with love is an enormous achievement." What do you think about this?11:02 PM Oct 16th from web

Through art you can discover a sense of wonder and appreciation of your unexpected depths and inner wisdom. https://tinyurl.com/yzzttzn9:24 PM Oct 16th from web

I just signed a petition to support a UN 5th World Conference on Women (started by Jena Shinoda Bolen) https://bit.ly/1kTLUs8:34 AM Oct 16th from web

Incorporating experience of surprise in mindfulness exercises for my eating disorder recovery book.6:29 PM Oct 15th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Set backs are learning opportunities. (Insight from my developing my book in progress.)5:00 PM Oct 13th from web

Five minutes a day spent watching your breath can bring your day back on course and help you follow your authentic self.4:09 PM Oct 13th from web

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Alva Edison1:49 PM Oct 10th from web

Ralph Lauren, please trust your own competence and sell your designs based on merit, not on image exploitation. https://tinyurl.com/yccho2c9:32 AM Oct 10th from web

Distorted images feed distorted minds. We need to feed our eating disorder population healthy images. https://tinyurl.com/yccho2c9:31 AM Oct 10th from web

"A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension." Oliver Wendell Holmes (Lots of new ideas in recovery. JP)10:12 PM Oct 8th from web

"Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery." Albus Dumbledore via J. K. Rowling10:26 PM Oct 7th from web

@MFTMike @JoannaPoppink Sometimes losing unhealthy friends is the best weight loss.yes. recognizing unhealthy influences is part of recovery7:05 PM Oct 6th from web in reply to MFTMike

Young woman called, afraid about her severe weight loss.Her friends want her to lose even more. She doesn't want to lose her friends.5:02 PM Oct 6th from web

Extra fat can serve as a psychological defense. To lose weight you need a better way of caring for yourself. Not easy but so worth it!3:54 PM Oct 5th from web

My garden has long been my co-therapist and a great benefit to my clients. Nice to see this research validation.https://tinyurl.com/ycucv828:50 AM Oct 2nd from web

I'm so grateful Jung's Red Book is coming out to such wide and vocal enthusiastic audience. It affirms respect for the journey to wholeness.10:12 PM Oct 1st from web

@edrecovery Just ordered Pain & Possibility plus others. Thank you for the tip! I look forward to reading it. What did you like best?8:20 AM Oct 1st from web in reply to edrecovery

@700stories Thank you. How do you see writing as helpful in healing and moves toward wholeness?11:09 PM Sep 30th from web in reply to 700stories

I'm musing about creating a series of workshops, "Writing as a path to recovery and wholeness". Please let me know what you think.10:33 PM Sep 30th from web

"Healing is a coming to wholeness." Marion Woodman10:41 AM Sep 30th from web

"A person can go on breathing without really living, or even die, if he or she is cured, but not healed." Marion Woodman10:41 AM Sep 30th from web

"..healing is in the soul journey. The curing may be in the body, but being cured is not necessarily living a full life." Marion Woodman10:39 AM Sep 30th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Meeting control issues and controlling ways with empathy and compassion opens hearts and options.10:08 AM Sep 29th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: When you crave a food that's not available, breathe. Grab pen and paper. Write fast and freely. Read later.3:32 PM Sep 27th from web

FDA warns popular diet drugs linked to liver damage and disease https://tinyurl.com/yeyulhc4:11 PM Sep 24th from web

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Dumbledore's words by J. K. Rowling. Yes! JP2:45 PM Sep 24th from web

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Dumbledore's words by J. K. Rawling. Yes! JP2:27 PM Sep 24th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Make a gratitude list - especially when you are sad or mad or scared.9:44 PM Sep 22nd from web

Women between 35 and 65+ need recovery from eating disorders. Women under 35 with eating disorders need older women's recovery wisdom.10:44 PM Sep 21st from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: No matter how old you are, read a classic fairy tale in bed before sleeping every night for at least a week.11:57 PM Sep 20th from web

Educated family may mean higher eating disorder risk https://tinyurl.com/mm3qbb Don't stop education. Stop the pressure. Relax expectations.5:29 PM Sep 19th from web

Eating Disorder Tip: You need courage to develop faith. You need faith to develop courage. You develop both gradually. You flow into health9:21 PM Sep 18th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Keep nurturing your creativity. Find ways to make something wonderful: a picture, garden, room, closet, drawer7:54 PM Sep 17th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Don't go it alone. Let yourself get professional help. Recovery is not something you accomplish alone.9:02 PM Sep 16th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Pay attention to boundaries and learn more about self care and self protection. https://tinyurl.com/ld8bfb9:01 AM Sep 16th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: My favorite from Buddhist teachings: "Be the ocean, not the wave." Morning anxiety is a wave. It rolls away.12:41 PM Sep 15th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery: Morning anxiety passes. Use courage to get out of bed, shower. Maybe you won't feel good but you'll feel better.3:09 PM Sep 14th from web

You are never too old to have an eating disorder. You are never too old to recover.11:42 PM Sep 12th from web

RT @susanquinn The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Charles DuBos11:01 AM Sep 11th from web

"Sad kids turn into fat adults" https://tinyurl.com/l35gwa Emotional wounds need tending for eating disorder recovery JP9:37 AM Sep 11th from web

Recurring question as I write my eating disorder recovery book: Can you have courage without faith? Can you have faith without courage?3:48 PM Sep 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: The heavy metal, mercury, is associated with developing anorexia. https://tinyurl.com/p9e93r3:43 PM Sep 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip:Managing portions applies to more than food. Where else do you take in too much or too little?10:31 PM Sep 9th from web

Station Fire, 62% contained after two weeks. Our homes are secure. Effort now to save national forest & wildlife. Thank you, FIreFighters!.1:29 PM Sep 9th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Understand and respect your need for sleep. https://tinyurl.com/scp5z1:10 PM Sep 9th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Night eating and weight gain: crossed signals at work. https://tinyurl.com/nx4qbn9:32 AM Sep 9th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Listen to your body with respect and compassion. Take restful and refreshing needed breaks.Sleep when tired.8:42 PM Sep 8th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: The real goal is a long, happy, healthy life. Optimism Good for Heart and Longevity https://tinyurl.com/nus88611:42 AM Sep 6th from web

"People that help others live longer than those who don't," Stephanie Brown, Social Research Univ of Mich https://tinyurl.com/lm9yeq11:31 AM Sep 6th from web

"Happiness is a byproduct of living generously" Stephen Post, director Center for Medical Humanities, Stony Brook https://tinyurl.com/lm9yeq11:26 AM Sep 6th from web

Thank you, Los Angeles Firefighters! You are brave and brilliant. You stopped that monster fire and saved us! Ash is less. Air is clearing.11:20 AM Sep 6th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Sometimes the heart needs to break in order to expand and grow - a continual revelation in my practice.6:13 PM Sep 5th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Yes, food is medicine and nourishment. Respecting ourselves and food is vital. https://tinyurl.com/m6a82b12:45 PM Sep 5th from web

I just donated to the USA Food Bank. To Los Angeles, because that's my home. To Connecticut because that was my first home.9:33 PM Sep 4th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip & more: "Fall seven times, stand up eight." Japanese proverb JP Every moment is fresh & new. Create your life.9:26 PM Sep 4th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Going away to college can create anxiety and stir your eating disorder. Plan to see a therapist near school.2:49 PM Sep 4th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Reframe your food thoughts. Take a look at the USA food bank. https://tinyurl.com/6jjrz2 Maybe you can help.10:00 PM Sep 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip and more: "We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." Martin Luther King3:16 PM Sep 3rd from web

Are you in Act I or Act II or Act III of your eating disorder recovery? https://tinyurl.com/nlp6c48:48 PM Aug 31st from web

Sending love and positive energy to all those in the line of fire. Two firefighters died today. My heart goes to them & their families.9:05 PM Aug 30th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Eat small meals throughout the day. Nourish yourself often and well. https://tinyurl.com/njdu2k7:55 AM Aug 30th from web

Sending love, courage & luck wishes to all in the fire zones tonight. I pray for the safety of the people and the animals, domesic & wild.10:38 PM Aug 27th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Be sure you are well hydrated. Dehydration can blur yoiur thinking and make you vulnerable to food cravings.12:43 PM Aug 27th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Reread a favorite novel, one you loved that engrossed you several years ago. See how much deeper you can go.9:22 PM Aug 26th from web

My friend, guide, inspiration for many years celebrates her 100th birthday today. I'm off to the party! Happy Birthday, Hedda Bolgar!3:43 PM Aug 23rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: eat regular meals 3 times a day. Limit portion sizes. Or eat more often with smaller portions: hungry or not.11:50 AM Aug 23rd from web

Excessive exercising to lose weight can be as addictive as taking drugs and lead to withdrawal symptoms. https://tinyurl.com/od9kje9:03 PM Aug 18th from web

Restrictive diet for kids may backfire https://tinyurl.com/pyqz7m4:03 PM Aug 18th from web

RT edwardhoffman: Orthorexia - healthy eating "disorder"? Hmmm...https://tinyurl.com/r3lqnv JP healthy choice? yes. starvation? no.9:35 AM Aug 17th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: portion size matters. Here's a Mayo Clinic slide show about serving size. https://tinyurl.com/4bmscn8:25 AM Aug 17th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Be compassionate for yourself when you feel lonely. Food is nourishment but not a friend. We need friends.11:16 PM Aug 15th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Challenge what you believe and say that limits you. e.g. All that begin with "I can't or "I could never."3:18 PM Aug 15th from web

Thought to ponder: When is it incubation, and when is it procrastination?7:02 PM Aug 13th from web

@jeanniemirasol I saw three hummingbirds defeat a hawk in a high flying battle atop the Santa Monica Mountains. Hawk had a narrow escape.6:48 PM Aug 13th from web in reply to jeanniemirasol

@tonyrobbins "A cat who sits on a hot stove will never sit on a hot stove again. But he'll never sit on a cold one either." Mark Twain6:44 PM Aug 13th from web in reply to tonyrobbins

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: https://tinyurl.com/nqg9vk what you eat affects ability to remember and physical stamina, i.e. quality of life.1:10 PM Aug 13th from web

Please remember, if you can't register on my site you may need to erase the dots and retype your user name or password. It's easy.7:37 PM Aug 12th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Eat breakfast within a hour of waking up. Make it well balanced. Be sure to include protein.8:31 AM Aug 12th from web

@MindfullyChange Justice Cardozo, U.S. born, Sephardi Jew, Portuguese Jewish community https://tinyurl.com/lrxn4z

https://tinyurl.com/kqdom81:23 AM Aug 11th from web in reply to MindfullyChange

Physical Inactivity Poses Greatest Health Risk to Americans. https://tinyurl.com/m2xzjx tip: walk a dog, yours or a shelter dog. Benefits all9:57 AM Aug 10th from web

I had a full day of equine therapy in Topanga Canyon Sat. Fabulous. I can see where this would be a great aid in eating disorder recovery.9:51 AM Aug 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Recognize adrenaline rush. Strong flooding sensations are not not emotions.8:18 AM Aug 8th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Look up "epigenesis." Dictionary & encylopedia. Journal and do free writing on it. Relevance will seep in.12:26 PM Aug 7th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Do you feel guilty because you let yourself down or because you disappoint others? Keep faith to true self.11:29 AM Aug 7th from web

Spectacular moon over Los Angeles tonight. Recognizing beauty, feeling awe, appreciation and connection is key in eating disorder recovery.12:35 AM Aug 5th from web

@CaitlinHTP NEDA, National Eating Disorder Association, excellent non profit. offers education and inspiration.12:20 AM Aug 4th from web in reply to CaitlinHTP

@SchoolmarmDE Thank you.12:11 AM Aug 4th from web in reply to SchoolmarmDE

@ObiWanKenobi_ Keep looking. What you perceive may change, or your perception may change. How will you know which is which?12:05 AM Aug 4th from web in reply to ObiWanKenobi_

Favorite and so true in eating disorder treatment: "The finger that points to the moon is not the moon. Years ago I didn't get it. Now I do.11:18 PM Aug 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Get rid of secrets. Really. To remain hidden, little secrets as well as big ones need your eating disorder.11:15 PM Aug 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: What should I eat? https://tinyurl.com/nozt69 https://tinyurl.com/lzn843 https://tinyurl.com/neue8k1:06 PM Aug 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Relapse is a signal that deeper work is needed. Don't despair. Your past efforts still count!9:41 AM Aug 2nd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Ask yourself: "What does my heart and soul need and how can I provide that?"9:25 PM Aug 1st from web

@millermix why not go with the child to a different therapist where you share the experience? Later he can still go to his own therapist.4:07 PM Jul 31st from web in reply to millermix

Eating Disorder Recovery Challenge:Discover what nourishes you besides food. Not what pleasures you but what nourishes you, heart and soul.10:26 PM Jul 30th from web

My new website is up. It's so much easier to reach content and forums now. https://www.eatingdisorderre... And my blog is there too.12:39 PM Jul 29th from web

@tonyrobbins to forgive is an emotional release and gift. to condone is a cognitive judgment. in my opinon.11:06 PM Jul 27th from web in reply to tonyrobbins

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: "The past holds the problem. The solution holds the future." Peter Dunne. "The present holds the work." JP2:07 PM Jul 27th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: "Without memory there is no healing. Without forgiveness there is no future." Archbishop Desmond Tutu.1:58 PM Jul 27th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: get adequate sleep every night. "Sleep that knits the ravelled sleeve of care." Shakespeare.11:48 PM Jul 26th from web

RT@andrea_owen RT @ @700stories: Adversaries to health & freedom are greed and ignorance, the greater being ignorance.https://bit.ly/MPiJV8:25 PM Jul 26th from web

Fed trees & orchids today. Fed bushes & flowers last week. They respond by becoming more beautiful. Hummingbirds arrive. Food is good.4:21 PM Jul 26th from web

New site launched. eatingdisorderrecovery.com Please visit and e-mail me re glitches.It's tweaking time. "progress, not perfection." Thanks7:57 AM Jul 26th from web

I'm doing equine therapy! "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." Sir Winston Churchill9:41 PM Jul 23rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: After you try everything you know to heal and fail, you move into the uncomfortable unknown to your healing.8:55 PM Jul 23rd from web

@drshepp I saw that canckles story too. I hope we don't see a rash of surgeries to create a thin ankle look. Next we'll have foot binding!11:03 PM Jul 22nd from web

None so brave as those who come to see what they fought hard against seeing and then take new and positive action. It's why I do what I do.3:27 PM Jul 21st from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Create conditions to restructure your brain. Help reverse eating disorder relapse. https://tinyurl.com/lzpldn10:41 AM Jul 20th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Brain fatigue study may be helpful in understanding "chew and spit" phenomena. https://tinyurl.com/l2skek9:56 AM Jul 19th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Compassion is crucial for recovery. Practice your compassion with others - plants, animals, people & then you.6:35 PM Jul 16th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Put positive, beneficial and inspiring notes in your life: bulletin board, refrigerator,tweets, mirrors, car10:13 AM Jul 15th from web

Eating Disorder Tip: Freedom is the capacity to pause between stimulus & response -Rollo May: or JP: feel a craving & wait 10 minutes.10:59 AM Jul 13th from web

Weight loss diet hoax on internet https://tinyurl.com/nfnmbj bad for genuine weight loss, tragic for people with eating disorders.10:24 AM Jul 12th from web

@andrea_owen Thank you! This is a great video: https://tinyurl.com/ncrajm Friends don't let friends fat talk.11:00 PM Jul 11th from web in reply to andrea_owen

Eating DIsorder Recovery Tip: wake up, wash, dress, eat breakfast, tend to your world and what's important to give you a happy old age.10:41 PM Jul 11th from web

"When you've finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend your planet." from The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery10:38 PM Jul 11th from web

@NBKinesiology Lots of tweaking on the new site. Thanks for your interest! I'll be sure to announce the launch. :)12:42 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to NBKinesiology

@sharonstjohn Thank you. It was a reminder of how much I have to live for.12:40 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to sharonstjohn

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Stop eating junk foods. Eat real 3 part meals: green vegetable, protein, grain. Use a pretty plate.8:50 PM Jul 10th from web

@edbites To live longer, we would eat foods with less calories and more nourishment.8:47 PM Jul 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Honor, in your way, something beautiful every day.1:54 PM Jul 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Always eat sitting down.9:35 AM Jul 10th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Pay attention to aroma and taste of your food; eat slowly; don't watch TV or any media while eating.9:34 AM Jul 10th from web

@janetconner My first piece of writing on your "not journal" method where I set intention and asked gave me great direction! Thank you!6:13 PM Jul 9th from web

Bulimics are not failed anorexics. Anorexics are not failed bulimics. Binge eaters are not failed B or A. Eating disorders are complex.6:12 PM Jul 9th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Try journaling this way. https://janetconner.wordpres... I like it!10:59 PM Jul 7th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Find you laughter and nourish it. https://tinyurl.com/lzchxt9:56 PM Jul 7th from web

I've got access to Linkedin again. Don't know why I didn't have it. Don't know why I do now. cyberspace mystery.1:33 PM Jul 6th from web

Locked out of Linkedin.com. I get message: "The certificate expired on 7/6/2009 10:41 AM." Twitter is only way I know to make contact.11:12 AM Jul 6th from web

Bulimia triggers can lead to food, sex, danger. New article on empowher.com. https://tinyurl.com/q66qbj7:31 PM Jul 5th from web

sun hat saved my life today. Big SUV backed up, didn't see me, actually brushed my arm. Driver saw my sunhat & stopped. less than an inch.4:19 PM Jul 5th from web

@edrecovery Thanks! I looking forward to launching the site too. My webdesigner is amazing! I'm so fortunate to have her. "geekchic"11:17 PM Jul 4th from web in reply to edrecovery

Getting inspiration from Annie Dillard's book, The Writing Life. Only 111 pages and a powerhouse!11:11 PM Jul 3rd from web

Anorexia, too much exercise = osteoporosis. + spinning? "Is Bicycling Bad for Your Bones?" https://tinyurl.com/nwme5e Dangerous connection.6:55 PM Jul 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: after a binge/purge or starvation episode be gentle with your hurting body. eat easy to digest food; no acids.6:40 PM Jul 3rd from web

Just completed 14 FAQ's for my new eating disorder recovery website. Getting close to launch date now. takes time.1:13 AM Jul 3rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: use pretty and fun dishes that hold the correct portion size for your meals, not too much, not too little.4:49 PM Jul 2nd from web

@edrecovery Grendel lingers after years. I think Nickel Mountain will too. & in NM Gardner is brilliant about compulsive overeating.8:50 PM Jul 1st from web in reply to edrecovery

Just finished reading Nickel Mountain by John Gardner. An emotional ride thru details into archtypes.I feel more more awake than ever.1:07 PM Jul 1st from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Read/study/learn about the geography of where you are. No kidding. It will help ground you.11:40 PM Jun 30th from web

"When we love a woman, we don't start measuring her limbs." Pablo Picasso10:44 PM Jun 28th from web

Michael Jackson: RIP possible anorexia? Can we learn from his life and death? https://tinyurl.com/nlkzx4 https://tinyurl.com/mgnsr211:54 AM Jun 28th from web

Saw Marnie Olson's play last night. "Crack Whore, Bulimic, Girl-Next-Door" great! teeny theater in L. A. writing acting directing **********10:57 AM Jun 28th from web

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." Ursula K. Le Guin1:44 AM Jun 28th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery tip: Recovery is a journey.1:43 AM Jun 28th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery: definition and description of recovery. https://tinyurl.com/mdrz9d10:19 PM Jun 25th from web

Omega-3 Deficiency Can Be Deadly https://tinyurl.com/lyhywu12:24 PM Jun 25th from web

I'm 3/4 through reading Nickel Mountain by John Gardner. Excellent. His Grendel was great too. Good to be close to a great & creative mind.11:28 PM Jun 24th from web

RT@BlondishnetRT @MarkIsMusing It is better to debate a question w/o settling it than to settle a question w/o debating it.- Joseph Joubert4:47 PM Jun 24th from web

tools as brain parts. https://tinyurl.com/kkt6tu Could favorite cutlery and dishes connect to binge eating? I'm intrigued. What do you think?4:51 PM Jun 23rd from web

Anorexia Nervosa: excellent & thorough description of physiological implications & More. https://tinyurl.com/mbr9gh1:14 PM Jun 23rd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Father's Day Tip: Write a gratitude letter to your father. Alive or not, plenty or little, mail it or not.8:51 PM Jun 21st from web

chubby people live longer https://tinyurl.com/mdwfx89:30 AM Jun 20th from web

Fast food nutritional values https://tinyurl.com/m4kz9y11:16 AM Jun 18th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Drinking diet colas can cause serious health problems. https://tinyurl.com/kj9r5q10:10 AM Jun 18th from web

Eating Disorder Tip: hee and haw means swing right and left to break out of ice or hard mud before you go forward. Break up rigidity first.11:04 PM Jun 17th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Learn something new about the geography of your environment. It's cross training for your brain cells & fun.11:01 PM Jun 17th from web

Happiness is when parents actively work to support their child's eating disorder recovery. It's hard. Parents need support too.8:37 PM Jun 17th from web

free songs for kids, sneezing baby panda, tips for parents, adorable. https://didipop.com/index.html6:15 PM Jun 17th from web

confuse Iranian censors https://tinyurl.com/lvsv4v3:32 PM Jun 16th from web

use words from your heart to help stop global warming https://tinyurl.com/ly42ht Let's give our children and grandchildren a livable world.3:27 PM Jun 16th from web

@ wendylawton thanks for memoir tips. any recommendations for good advice on writing self help books?3:25 PM Jun 16th from web

Musical training sharpens the ability to sense emotions https://tinyurl.com/l7h4t4 could be an aid in eating disorder recovery work.11:07 AM Jun 16th from web

Diet foods encourage overeating https://tinyurl.com/klj5hw9:14 AM Jun 16th from web

RT Mindful_LivingDangers of Meditation: https://bit.ly/1LbVPg I like it! JP3:58 PM Jun 15th from web

Hooray4 Vogue editor Alexadra Schulman, standing up to designers to save health & lives of models & many other! .https://tinyurl.com/mh6nfv10:10 PM Jun 12th from web

FDA recalls Clarcon Hand Sanitizers due 2 high level of bacteria that can cause infection &maybe permanent damage. https://tinyurl.com/kwkswu6:28 AM Jun 11th from web

RT@NBKinesiology"You'll never achieve your dreams if they don't become goals." Anonymous I like it!6:07 AM Jun 11th from web

Wherever we go, whatever we do, self is the sole subject we study and learn. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Right on, RWE. "Know thyself" is key."6:05 AM Jun 11th from web

To all writers, a cautionary tale: https://tinyurl.com/lc4a2h in today's Washington Post. It certainly got my attention!5:59 AM Jun 11th from web

smiling over the memory of a lovely day spent with my favorite 2 & 4 year old girls. Laughing, dancing, playing pretend, & internet reading.9:51 PM Jun 10th from web

RT @JeannieMirasol "Our responsibility is to break the silence, share our stories & take responsibility for each other." Yes! JP11:10 AM Jun 10th from web

Nobody sees a flower, really. it is so small it takes time. we haven't time. & to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time O'Keeffe11:07 AM Jun 10th from web

Nutritionally Fortified Diet Enhances Mental Health https://tinyurl.com/l42z3z I'm so grateul this issue is getting attention at last!9:49 AM Jun 9th from web

Sleep deprivation contributes to obesity, a long host of illnesses & risk taking behaviors https://tinyurl.com/nnd6xy We need more than 6 hrs8:15 AM Jun 9th from web

Went to a great poetry reading at the Village Bookstore in Pacific Palisades. I'm may read a poem myself next month. Sharing poetry is fine!12:30 AM Jun 9th from web

Eating Disordered people often drink a lot of soft drinks. Beware. Cola can induce potassium deficiency. https://tinyurl.com/lojgmm12:25 PM Jun 8th from web

"Violence is inconceivable if everyone is genuinely concerned with the happiness of others." - Matthieu Ricard from Beliefnet.com9:54 AM Jun 8th from web

He drew a circle that shut me out Heretic rebel, a thing to flout But love & I had the wit to win We drew a circle that took him in Markham6:08 PM Jun 7th from web

All the world's a stage, & all the men and women merely players: They have their exits & their entrances Bard I love it, especially today3:43 PM Jun 7th from web

Eating Disorder Controversy continues https://tinyurl.com/q5wyvt I wonder why parents are writing & not the people with eating disorders.1:39 PM Jun 6th from web

@JanetConner Yes to kindle. Support reading in any and all forms. I'm a Conari author too. Good luck!12:02 PM Jun 6th from web

While stretched out on a cozy couch in my garden reading my novel, my dog alongside, I fell asleep for three hours! What a luxury.9:52 PM Jun 5th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery contraversy still rages: https://tinyurl.com/r4zct2 I hope, eventually, all sides get aired.10:21 AM Jun 5th from web

"If we view these issues from only one side or another, then we are blind to the truth." President Obama in his Middle east speech. Yes!8:17 AM Jun 5th from web

Better build schoolrooms for "the boy" than cells and gibbets for "the man." Eliza Cook 1818-1889. In 2009 we still need to hear this.11:01 PM Jun 4th from web

@JanetConner Glad to know you like Conari Press! They found me too!10:58 PM Jun 4th from web

Learning to recognize & appreciate the meaning of a person's anger, w/o taking it personally is vital for me & my client in eatng dis recov.3:05 PM Jun 4th from web

Uncovering anger is a consistent part of eating disorder recovery therapy. The client or friends or family members or all meet their rage.3:02 PM Jun 4th from web

@TIMEThe story behind the famous Tiananmen Square photograph | https://tr.im/nncz Fascinating and moving. I cried when I saw the tanks on TV1:20 AM Jun 4th from web

Mindfulness practice in psychotherapy is validated by continued meditation Meditation + no drug side effects! https://tinyurl.com/p6qz3u3:55 PM Jun 3rd from web

Eating disorder tip: Any excuse will serve a tyrant. Aesop. Eating disorders are tyrants. Given power any excuse will permit the behavior.12:29 AM Jun 3rd from web

@wendylawton email on laptop and have it remain on the server? I don't think it can be done. If it can, pls let me know! good luck. JP12:18 AM Jun 3rd from web

Wow. My first article on empowher.com got a passionate attack. What do you think? https://tinyurl.com/o7a5vv9:59 PM Jun 2nd from web

Just became eating disorder expert and will do Q & A for empowher.com.9:57 PM Jun 2nd from web

Healthy eating during pregnancy from Mayo Clinic + more. https://tinyurl.com/pw3bne2:36 PM Jun 2nd from web

another good reason to get enough vitamin D in your food and sunshine plan.https://tinyurl.com/pgtyt82:24 PM Jun 2nd from web

"There is no greater disaster than greed." Lao-tzu 521 B.C. But what's the basis of greed? insecurity? low self esteem? need to be loved? JP1:45 PM Jun 2nd from web

I am so enjong Lao-tzu. Here come a few more. "There is no calamity greater than lavish desires."1:44 PM Jun 2nd from web

Mainifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires. Lao-tzu 521 B.C. Cure for bulimia, our economy and BED. JP1:42 PM Jun 2nd from web

"He who trust the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire." Lao-tzu 531BC Who knew he was an ecologist and thought so very green?1:39 PM Jun 2nd from web

In Greece wise men speak and fools decide. Anacharsis 600 BC And what about us? Wisdom in us speaks. Do we let the wise or the fool decide?1:36 PM Jun 2nd from web

"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one great thing." Archilochus. I love it!1:31 PM Jun 2nd from web

Eating Disorder Recovery tip: Play can be as important as work. Laughter as important as tears. Healthy balance creates health.10:53 PM Jun 1st from web

No one trusts big anymore.In the future everything will be local.That's where the magic will be. No amount of pessism will stop it. P Noonan3:16 PM Jun 1st from web

Russian proverb: After the ship sinks at sea & you are in the lifeboat, pray for help, but keep rowing! My all time favorite!3:10 PM Jun 1st from web

Thought is always in advance; it can see too far ahead, outstriping our bodies which are in the present. Camus. or Why I can't catch up! JP2:01 PM Jun 1st from web

https://tinyurl.com/noh5hm healthy eating reduces heart failure risk. cites the DASH diet. Wonderful. Now -pls change "diet" 2 way of eating1:23 PM Jun 1st from web

"Our job is to widen the circle of our compassion so we feel conected with all people and all situations" Albert Einstein. including self JP11:02 AM Jun 1st from web

"In times of crisis people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it." Victor Frankl10:59 AM Jun 1st from web

My dog has two cushy beds. But when children spend the night he sleeps at the foot of their beds, ready to protect despite the hard floor.11:02 PM May 31st from web

@SCARS_Alberta I agree and add, companion animals can teach compassion to anyone who is willing to take a risk and love.11:01 PM May 31st from web in reply to SCARS_Alberta

I love the Sunday morning Farmers Market ritual with my family. Fresh vegetables, lovely people, music, honey sticks & free flower 4 kids.10:56 PM May 31st from web

When I listen 2 friends, patients, children, clinicians, novelists, neighbors & I'm surprised, I learn & grow at the same time. Feels good!6:19 PM May 31st from web

To see and be surprised by another's point of view means you're willing to let go of your preconceptions. New learning requires humility.6:16 PM May 31st from web

expanding my knowledge of the issues & challenges adult women with eating disorders face in their personal and professional lives.4:40 PM May 31st from web

https://tinyurl.com/n842zt Good grief. eating disorder prevention is not explaining dangerous behavior. It's healing & strengthening a person3:01 PM May 31st from web

Just joined Westside Bruins for UCLA alumni. Why did I wait so long? I love UCLA!2:55 PM May 31st from web

Brought home two pomegranate trees for my front garden. Going green in a delicious way. Plus I can trade for veggies with my neighbors!2:15 PM May 31st from web

To declare oneself pro-life by killing is insane, blind, grandiose, cruel, stupid, tragic and shows no respect for law based civilization.2:11 PM May 31st from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Life with no e.d. behaviors is new. Dble check yourself. Simple old routines could lead to old ways. R u ok?2:06 PM May 31st from web

Eating Disorder Recovery: how many psychotherapy sessions a week are needed? https://tiny.cc/H2ltr6:31 PM May 30th from web

Eating Disor Recov "If you don't risk anything, you risk even more." Erica Jong It's scary to get in therapy,but it's scarier not to. Joanna5:10 PM May 30th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: "The completion of any work automatically necessitates its revisioning." - Joyce Carol Oates. Applies 2 us 2.3:25 PM May 30th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: "Teach yourself to work in uncertainty." Bernard Malamud. And live, learn and love in uncertainty too. JoannaP1:29 PM May 30th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: "It is my heart that makes songs, not I." Sara Teasdale. IOW yr authentic identity may not match your thinking8:22 AM May 30th from web

eating dis recov tip: "When I am writing I am doing the thing I was meant to do" Anne Sexton. Are you doing the thing you were meant to do?9:52 PM May 29th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: therapy for adult women with anorexia or bulimia or BED is NOT the same as recovery work with teenagers.5:21 PM May 29th from web

New preg wt gain criteria: Underwgt 28 - 40lbs Normal wgt 25 - 35 pounds. Overwwgt 15 - 25 lbs Obese 11 - 20 lbs https://tinyurl.com/n7e2x611:32 AM May 29th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery tip: it's impossible to change yesterday. But it's possible to heal, correct, grow and learn today.10:56 AM May 29th from web

reading "a consiracy of paper" by David Liss. fun way to get a great history lesson about England & start of stock market.9:22 PM May 28th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery tip: sometimes after being well for a long time, you hit a glitch. Not a disaster. You just need to grow more.8:43 PM May 28th from web

Art therapy helps in eating disorder recovery too,4 all ages! "Art therapy helps refugee children cope" https://ping.fm/Rowfm via @garygraye2:19 PM May 28th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: Examine your role models. Go for healthy successful people with love and joy in their lives.1:07 PM May 28th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery Tip: forced choice test, choose: big real life or tiny make believe lonely life with airbrushed thighs?1:04 PM May 28th from web

Great teachers never strive to explain their vision. They simply invite you to stand beside them and see for yourself. Rev. R. Inman.10:36 PM May 27th from web

Eating disorder recovery tipSome things need to fall apart so building fresh, new and better is possible. Pain doesn't always mean bad.2:33 PM May 27th from web

Eating Disorder Recovery tip: ask three questions of every person you meet in one day. Listen to the complete answer. Results can amaze.12:45 PM May 27th from web

eating disorder recovery tip: read a book based on science once a month - the whole book. It will excersice your mind & allow new thinking.11:21 PM May 26th from web

Fab youtube video 2nd circle, where real relationships, real drama and real therapy happen 12 *! ! https://tinyurl.com/owo5698:16 PM May 26th from web

For as long as space endures, and as long as living beings remain, may I too abide to dispel the misery of this world. Dalai Lama's fav "8:06 PM May 26th from web

Food needs care too! Thnx Andrew! The 4 golden rules of food hygiene, do you know them? https://snipr.com/hqrfc via@trueblud7:56 PM May 26th from web

More women under 21 being admitted to UK hospitals for eating disorder treatment. https://tinyurl.com/p9cxz42:13 PM May 26th from web

Glad to see depth work is becoming more used, Sari! Evolving treatments for eating disorders: https://bit.ly/6FMyL via@drshepp2:00 PM May 26th from web

BTW, many people with eating disorders get their internal signals mixed up. They snack, graze or binge when they are not hungry but tired.11:02 PM May 25th from web

Enlightment: eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, sleep when tired. I think it's time for me to sleep. :)11:00 PM May 25th from web

Yes, Andrea_owen. And having good bones doesn't mean they stick out!7:35 PM May 25th from web

I can see the red, purple and gold bouganvillea I planted 3 years ago tumbling high across my fence, sheltering my patio & me as I work. :)5:24 PM May 25th from web

weight of insects eaten by British spiders in average year is more than the total weight of all British people combined. Bristowe discovered2:50 PM May 25th from web

Going to mee my Az and HI friend, Jeanne Rust of Mirasol trtmt ctr at LAX Wednesday. I'm so happy to have some face to face time with her!1:26 PM May 25th from web

https://bit.ly/LSkBM Tend your bones, your recovery & your life.1:08 PM May 25th from web

"Those who are awake live in a state of constant amazement" Buddha9:27 AM May 25th from web

Restless? Take a walk on a street you don't know. (safe, of course).11:23 PM May 24th from web

Please tell me about living and working around Burlington, Vermont. Thank you!3:13 PM May 24th from web

Avoid that binge. Sweep your hut instead. https://bit.ly/j8JI210:07 AM May 24th from web

Don't binge. Walk your dog (or some else's dog) instead.9:49 AM May 24th from web

Don't binge. Read a book instead.9:49 AM May 24th from web

Don't binge. Clean your home instead.9:48 AM May 24th from web

Walked on the green bluff avoe the blue sea with a clear sky that stretched beyond Catalina Island with my friend and my dog. Happy day.7:03 PM May 23rd from web

Jubilant patient called with great personal success story. I love my job!1:50 PM May 23rd from web

"Civilization exists by geologic consent, subject to change without notice." Will Durant More reason to live well in the present!9:45 PM May 22nd from web

https://www.thruoureyes.org/... Eating Disorders: what they are and how to recover. 51 minute podcast.9:20 PM May 22nd from web

https://bit.ly/JztTH Relapse is a call to grow. No shame. No blame. Just some deepenng work to make you strong.12:53 PM May 22nd from web

https://bit.ly/ymDkV FDA warns: hydroxycut products dangerous. stop using.11:23 PM May 21st from web

exploring how untreated and partially treated eating disorders affect a woman's career opportunities.11:13 PM May 21st from web

Nourish your creativity. During challenging times we need our creativity more than ever.11:50 PM May 20th from web

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."…Eleanor Roosevelt my long time heroine & inspiration.11:11 PM May 20th from web

These times call for creativity and courage.4:18 PM May 20th from web

controlling a problem is not the same as healing a wound that creates the problem.1:35 PM May 20th from web

thinking about the new paradigm shift that hits us at a deeply personal level. almost ready to write about it. I welcome your thoughts!12:18 PM May 20th from web

in awe and deep respect of the power of genuine human connection to heal and create.11:59 PM May 19th from web

Imagine for a moment that you had no secrets at all. Pay attention to how you feel. This feeling could be the start of your recovery.5:21 PM May 19th from web

https://bit.ly/10pkAl We lost a wise and wonderful storyteller last week. Kathleen Zundell with love.12:24 PM May 19th from web

Voting in California election, just back from the polls. terrific. I walked to my polling station at the local firehouse.11:31 AM May 19th from web

The earthquake was real, but not 911 or any other disaster. It triggered a lot of fear based on past experience. Be kind & be in the now.11:34 PM May 18th from web

Eating disorders are not problems to solve. They are conditions to heal.5:03 PM May 18th from web

https://bit.ly/zLSeV one eating disorder hurt many people. see Mike12:37 PM May 18th from web

Just joined a twibe. Visit https://twibes.com/RecoveryF... to join12:32 PM May 18th from web

@MargotCross Yes, it was quite strong here in Westwood.11:35 PM May 17th from web

Anybody know anything about a big sky filling orange glow near LAX, visible from El Segundo Plaza? 8:40 p.m. 5/17/09 - today???9:18 PM May 17th from web

Sunday at Mar Vista Farmers' Market: fresh food, music, families, smiling faces, bright colored flowers, huge artichokes, red cherries :)6:29 PM May 17th from web

https://pwnscal.ning.com/gro... joined "women who blog" subgroup of Professional Women's Network of Southern California1:57 PM May 17th from web

Gave my terrier, Winston, a bath and a brush out. He's so happy to be clean. Took photos. He'll be on my new website. He is a co-therapist.1:42 PM May 16th from web

https://nuclubofla.org/event... going to N.U. authors read. Lots of benefits to being an alumni!12:31 PM May 16th from web

Reading Simon Winchester's Krakatoa. Makes me feel so intelligent! He takes me on incredible journeys to far away places & times & I see it!9:58 PM May 15th from web

@The_Timekeeper Come out of hiding yes, but just a little at a time. Steady little steps can be more effective than big ones.7:47 PM May 15th from web

Just back from park with my terrier, Winston. Saw for the first time a blk & silver whippet running full tilt in the green fields. poetry!7:36 PM May 15th from web

https://bit.ly/cnIFN getting better & losing friends? eating disorder recovery life change requires courage.1:52 PM May 15th from web

one week after seeding lawn. nourishment for new growth is also making old growth lush verdant. nice reminder message from nature.12:11 PM May 15th from web

taking pix of my environment for my website. Spring in Los Angeles. Great time for a photo shoot. Healthy life is blooming! I like it.9:20 PM May 14th from web

Some people want help, reach out 4 help, discrimante among choices, muster courage to accept help, move into the unknown of health. joy1:32 PM May 14th from web

some people want help, ask 4 help, refuse help, cry 4 help, get angry when help is offered, ask 4 help again, refuse and cry again. sad1:30 PM May 14th from web

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden." ~ Ruth Stout9:27 AM May 14th from web

https://bit.ly/NGQ2M Q & A: binge eating12:41 AM May 14th from web

writing an article about how friends change when you recover from an eating disorder.8:59 PM May 13th from web

https://bit.ly/PRpw6 teen Bulgaria, nds support 4 ed recov scroll 2 "Alisa"9:34 AM May 13th from web

Yes, keep all your eggs in one basket. Then: Watch that basket! - Mark Twain9:52 PM May 12th from web

https://bit.ly/AuA8A please scroll to Alisa's post and offer support. isolated teen2:19 PM May 12th from web

https://bit.ly/Xueyd new learning & mind opening experiences vital in e.d. recovery6:49 PM May 11th from web

The greatest protection is a loving heart. Protecting yourself, you protect others. Protecting others, you protect yourself. Buddha9:45 AM May 11th from web

Had my grandaughters (2 and 4) Sat nite & Mother's Day. giggles, dressing up, pink clouds, naps, climbers, jumping horse, snacks & kisses.10:39 PM May 10th from web

lots of client calls today. Mother's Day can be difficult and bring up strong feelings.3:32 PM May 10th from web

https://bit.ly/2DjWP for cat lovers by former cop with a change of heart3:59 PM May 9th from web

why R eating disorders?1:38 PM May 9th from web

Don't forget to put food in your mailbox today--USPS is collecting it for distribution.11:22 AM May 9th from web

Thank you, Santa Barbara firefighters!12:03 AM May 9th from web

Key to eating disorder recovey: To get past our defenses we need to be prepared to face our fears and grow beyond them.. www.poppink.com9:55 AM May 8th from web

concerned about someone fully committed to get lap band surgery nxt week when she is only moderately overweight and in her early twenties.10:34 PM May 7th from web

www.helpstampouthunger.com May 9, leave non perishable foodstuffs at your mailbox in sturdy bag prior to your mail delivery for food banks.7:41 PM May 7th from web

so called relapse is prt of normal recovery. Harsh self criticisms are e d symptoms, not truth. Please find some beauty and soak in it. :)5:52 PM May 7th from web

A.M. wake up, smile, breathe, write a note in your journal, be grateful for something, eat breakfast. set yourself up for a recovery day!1:45 PM May 7th from web

"In order to live off a garden, you practically have to live in it. " ~Frank McKinney Hubbard, American cartoonist from 1904-1930. I luv it11:16 AM May 7th from web

adequate sleep, eight hours, does wonders for eating disorder recovery. https://www.eatingdisorderre...11:12 AM May 7th from web

Support Judy Blume. She's under attack. https://bit.ly/Bbwr75:09 PM May 6th from web

Support Judy Blume. She's under attack. https://bit.ly/SilDl5:08 PM May 6th from web

fuming and in dismay about a large billboard touting lap band surgery as if it were a happy trip to Tahiti. https://www.poppink.com9:05 PM May 5th from web

https://tinyurl.com/ccrkzm reviewing blog: recognizing eating disorder triggers3:18 PM May 4th from web

https://tinyurl.com/cd8y4h a little gardening supports your eating disorder recovery.10:36 PM May 3rd from web

Updating my Linkedin.com profile. https://www.linkedin.com/pub... included audio link and details about contacting me.2:00 PM May 3rd from web

Friends, family and neighbors are returning from New Orleans Jazz Fest. They bring the smiles, joys and jazz energy home with them. Great!12:58 PM May 3rd from web

in my garden, Sat afternoon, reading "The Great Man" by Kate Christensen. Amaryllis is in full blazing red bloom. Honeysuckle too. Bliss.5:45 PM May 2nd from web

answering eating disorder recovery questions via e-mail from people looking for ways to get well.9:50 PM May 1st from web

LA earthquake. felt it, waited for it to get big. It didn't. found my breath again, felt relief. Now okay with a different energy valence.7:55 PM May 1st from web

Raymond Lloyd Richmond https://www.guidetopsycholog... great description of unconscious, important for eating disorder people.6:36 PM May 1st from web

great meditation photos, good for unconscious writing, Marie Scudder is amazing https://tinyurl.com/d7s4dm6:34 PM May 1st from web

new blog post: eating disorders as unconscious coping mechanism https://tinyurl.com/djy6b56:30 PM May 1st from web

eating disorder recov requires personal truth to emerge from the eating, bingeing, starving and lbs. For a start, write down your dreams.10:07 AM May 1st from web

reconneccting with Southern California Medill alumni group. Is journalism changing or just the delivery style? Maybe I'll find out.12:09 AM May 1st from web

put a smiling carved wooden frog (Balinese?)by my laptop for company and inspiration while writing my eating disorder recovery book. yes!12:03 AM May 1st from web

Posted new blog entry re eating disorders: "why do I relapse?" https://tinyurl.com/d42gy38:40 PM Apr 30th from web

bringing plants from garden into office in preparation for seeing patients today.10:09 AM Apr 30th from web

@CindyBreneman regular flu inoculation does not prevent swine flu. working on that shot now. problem: sviru mutates, fast, & unpredictably.11:01 AM Apr 29th from web in reply to CindyBreneman

studying pros and cons of lapband surgery.6:02 PM Apr 28th from web

four year old joke: What's a cat's favorite color? Purrrrrple.11:24 AM Apr 28th from web

Puppet party completed! A total joyous bash for kids 17 months to 5 yrs and parents. What a joyous day!10:15 PM Apr 25th from web

planning a puppet garden party for a 4 and 2 yr old and their many friends. fun times!10:27 AM Apr 23rd from web

just found out families and friends of people with eating disorders are listening to my radio interview and getting better understanding. :)4:25 PM Apr 21st from web

back from I Ching study week end in Ojai, CA. forest, mountains, creek, waterfall, stars. great people, and wonderful group work. Yes!9:36 PM Apr 20th from web

Susan Boyle: https://tinyurl.com/ctuo3b a special inspiration to women with eating disorders3:57 PM Apr 16th from web

listening to a two and four year old discussing the fantasy game they are playing with small dolls, furniture, plastic animals and jar tops.6:14 PM Apr 15th from web

taking a wonderful Northwestern Univ alumni "networking naturally" course with Carol Ross.11:11 AM Apr 15th from web

Feel pulled to eating disorder actions? See if you are getting enough sleep. Try 3 nights in a row with 8 hours sleep. See what happens.8:13 PM Apr 14th from web

Got rid of my TV a yr ago. Went to BBC program on DVD. Now enjoying novels again. I gt news from inrnt & np. I sleep better & smile more.8:09 PM Apr 14th from web

I'm a psychotherapist in Los Angeles specializing in eating disorder recovery. If you write to me with questions. I'll do my best to help.11:29 AM Apr 14th from web

Mailed my signed and witnessed first book contract (eating disorder recovery) off to Conari Press today. I'm clearing my desk and my mind.10:53 PM Apr 13th from web

Looking forward to Ojai weekend in a cabin, under trees, by a creek, exploring I Ching, meeting new people, hot tubbing and relaxing.10:41 PM Apr 13th from web

reading Moment of Truth by Lisa Scottoline - fun who done it9:38 PM Apr 13th from web

rejoined Facebook and trying to figure it out.9:54 AM Apr 13th from web

Winston's M.O. squirrels, wag tail and chase; possums, bark at overhead critter, run/guard; racoons, go ballistic, try to run up trees.12:21 AM Apr 13th from web

Took my terrier, Winston, for a short midnight walk. With high and intense energy he zoomed around on racoon high alert.(extension leash)12:15 AM Apr 13th from web

smiling, enjoying the rebirth I sense in nature, in people I love and in people getting past recent setbacks in our culture. Good is coming.5:26 PM Apr 12th from web

getting arts and crafts ready for 4yr and 2yr old. We'll make Easter surprises to hide for family to find after the a.m. Easter egg hunt.4:38 PM Apr 11th from web

PTSD veterans help PTSD parrots and vice versa. If you get a chance, visit, especially on a Thursday when the Farmers Market is there.4:41 PM Apr 9th from web

donating grapefruit and valencia orange trees to the parrot sanctuary at the Los Angeles V.A. serenity garden.4:41 PM Apr 9th from web

Just finished my first Susan Isaccs novel, After all these years. What fun. I laughed and couldn't put it down. Laughter feels so good!2:44 PM Apr 9th from web

will be on internet radio https://www.thekovacsperspec... April 8, 8pm EST Steve Kovacs invited me as guest expert on eating disorders10:06 PM Apr 5th from web

Tweaking my book contract with publisher. Yes, my eating disorder recovery book sold and will come out in 2011. Hooray!4:53 PM Mar 31st from web

selling my in good condtion used dvds on Amazon.com.9:32 AM Dec 5th, 2008 from web

clearing home and office storage space to make room for the new as the future arrives.9:30 AM Dec 5th, 2008 from web

following news of L.A. fires, grateful my area is not burning, staying inside till smoke clears2:06 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from web

going to short mindfulness experience in a forest with adults and children.8:40 AM Apr 13th, 2008 from web

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