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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida, Oregon and Utah.
All appointments are virtual.


Dear Shh,

Yes, I agree with you. The list doesn't capture the essence of dread. I posted it because I thought it might deepen the conversation and allow more inner mobility as we examine our own experiences of dread.  Remember, the list was created by writers for writers.  

You know what dread feels like. Writers try to portray it on the page.  The list of descriptions doesn't get to the tenacious grip on the soul dread can be.  Still, the list may help us talk more about dread and help us open some new approaches to our self care.  :)  J

Dear Jackie,

Welcome to my site.  I almost write "our site" because many people are active here and brave the recovery journey together.  

You raise an important issue in regards to dread.  Sitting still is a form of meditation that allows a person to approach the essence of their authentic nature.  Sitting still is also what terrified people do to hide, to not attract attention to themselves and to not raise feelings from within that are unbearable.

So sitting still can be used to help you to expand your awareness and develop your authentic self. And sitting still can help you shut the world out from your narrow hiding place as you shrink and contract.  

These are different forms of sitting. When you are caught in an eating disorder your mind can trick you into thinking that hiding is meditating. Yet being mindful is the opposite of shutting down.

The beginning of knowing the difference is the beginning of your taking positive action to heal your way out of the dilemma.

I'm glad to know Healing Your Hungry Heart is on its way to you.  The writing and breathing exercises will help you through this.

I recommend that you move through the chapters slowly (except for Chapter 1 which is the required qualifying chapter for the author).  Starting with Chapter 2, a chapter a month is not too slow.  Do the exercises every day.  Be gentle with yourself and let me know how you are doing.

Glad to see you here.

warm regards,


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