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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida, Oregon and Utah.
All appointments are virtual.


If you are an obese woman you know you meet prejudice every day, and it hurts. It hurts so much that you will eat to numb that pain.  You dress to hide your body. You may isolate to create a safe place for yourself. When you need help

you may have to confront disdain when other people are unwilling to give you adequate and respectful attention.

In the Los Angeles Times, Valerie Ulene has an article, "Doctors and nurses' weight biases harm overweight patients."

It seems that even when an obese person seeks medical care she is often discounted.

Yes, fat people seem to lose their humanity in the eyes of others in this culture. Eating and the weight itself becomes a defensive barrier to guard against the ridicule and demeaning attitudes they face every day. More ridicule can translate into more depression, loneliness, anger, fear and yet more eating.

If you are obese and want out of this nightmare you can't wait for the attitudes in our society to change. Such change, if it happens at all, takes generations.

You need to step out of the system and look for environments that do give you the respect, care, support and genuine information for living well and happy.  I am an eating disorder recovery psychotherapist.  Some women come to me because they want to lose weight.

I appreciate this, but I can't guarantee weight loss.  I work with the woman who wants a way out of personal misery or anxiety or shame and knows her relationship with food is an issue. As she experiences respect, caring and the bond we create by working together her inner life reorients to her outer world.

Losing weight is often part of this change for the better.

Obese people do not have to wait for a cultural change in order to create a better life.





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