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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

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Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida and Oregon.
All appointments are virtual.


Question: Oh, no!  What should I do? My natal cleft (butt crack) shows when I bend down in my jeans or when my friend picks me up. I must have such a huge fat butt! I'm so embarrassed.

Why would you jump to the conclusion that a piece of fabric determines your size and beauty?

Your butt is just fine. Please remember, your jeans are the end result of an entire industry pushing a product to make money. If you let the designing and marketing machinery have power to set you off in criticizing your body parts or your shape in any way, you are letting the industry govern you mind, your emotions, your participation in the world, your way of spending money, your relationships, how you feel about yourself and how you feel about (and judge) other people.

When you buy clothes, try them on and look in the mirror before you leave the store. Bend over, sit down, twirl, crouch. In other words, move your body the way you will in life. If the clothes don't move with you, say "no" to the clothes and say "yes" to who you are.

Maybe it would help for all women to bring a mirror to the store when clothes shopping. Then we could see behind as well as in front, the same we do with our hair styles.

You don't "have a huge fat butt.". But you are in danger of losing your mind, heart, soul, self esteem, self image, self confidence and independent thinking to the fashion industry that wants your dollars.

Breathe and get your self worth from your heart and soul, not from a piece of sewn denim.


Fight back. Be you.

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